
Our general approach to sustainability intersects with our business strategy, not as an abstract concept but as real actions embracing the three areas of responsibility: economic, social and environmental.

Since 2020, Florim has been a Benefit Company and Certified B Corp, formally stating its commitment to operating not just for profit, but also for the good of the planet and the community.

Watch the Video “Being sustainable is a daily choice” with the faces of some of the Florim people who contribute to making the company even more responsible, every day.


For Florim, acting responsibly means developing and creating a very high quality, sustainable product. It means a focus on people, in terms of both our staff and their families. It means not only generating profit to reinvest in the local economy, but also providing direct, genuine support to those most in need in our district. Acting responsibly means protecting the environment through improvements to processes and products to reduce environmental and energy impact.

Florim considers it equally important to draft and distribute a document that transparently communicates with its stakeholders in order to describe the results achieved and to set out future goals, adopting an approach based on engagement and continual improvement. It is in this spirit that we have always sought – for sixteen years – to improve our Sustainability Report, ensuring that it is concise and easy to read.

Download the Sustainability Report [abridged version]

Download the Sustainability Report [extended version]

Here are some insights into MADE IN FLORIM corporate social responsibility below.

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