
Our “Constitutional Charter” is a set of rights and moral duties

It is our approved and shared code of conduct. It is signed by our employees, our suppliers and all sales agents. It contains the values, mission, vision and rules of conduct that govern the way we do business.

To ensure the application and compliance with the contents, we have set up a Supervisory Body, which is also available to clarify any doubts about the interpretation and application of the company’s Code of Ethics and to manage reports of violations and offenses (whistleblowing).



Our watchwords

There are three keywords in which we believe deeply and which are so central to our identity that we define them as internal rules of conduct.


For companies like ours, beauty is more than a necessity. It is a constant benchmark, a moral commitment to people. Employees are in the front line in expressing this ethical imperative, and convey it through their work, from the product’s creation to the way it is offered.


By this we mean clarity in communication between us and the outside world. Being clear and comprehensible is an aim for every employee, who must strive to reduce complexities in every activity and relationship.


This is an essential characteristic within our organisation. It conveys a sense of collaboration and the ability to listen and to constantly put the team first, setting aside any wish to stand out or appear superior.


Our Mission

To produce ceramic elements and materials for multiple purposes and offer the most suitable solutions for both interior decorating and architecture. All of this with an sustainable spirit, seeking to meet the needs of the customer and create value for the stakeholders, the employees, and the territory, always with full awareness of the need to observe the ethical principles and rules of conduct expressed in the corporate Code of Ethics.

Our Vision

To be the cutting edge of ceramics innovation, both technical and aesthetic, by studying the materials and the production solutions that consistently identify us as a point of reference for customers, designers and competitors.

Florim becomes a Benefit Corporation

Florim thus formally stated its commitment to operating not just for profit but also for the good of the planet and the community, by adding to its corporate purpose the goal of acting:

  • with a constant commitment to continuous innovation as regards the sustainability of the company’s processes and all its practices;
  • By adopting criteria for pollution prevention and reduction of environmental risks and impacts, by practicing waste recovery instead of disposal, and by implementing energy saving and energy efficiency measures, the company affirms its commitment to a progressive shift in its business and operating model toward a net-zero economy, in line with European climate neutrality and national green transition goals.
  • promoting an informed and sustainable business approach, through collaborative dialog with stakeholders, and the organisation of training and cultural events, also in association with third parties, to integrate and spread correct and sustainable lifestyles, for the environment and for health;
  • promoting a positive and inclusive workplace for its employees, safeguarding their rights and duties, safety, training, growth and the development of their potential, including the adoption of concrete company welfare measures.

Benefit Corporations (in Italy Società Benefit – SB) – introduced into Italy by law no. 208 of 28/12/2015 – revolutionise the very concept of what a corporation stands for, because their business model includes not only profit objectives but also a specific commitment to responsible operation.

Aware of how business methods will have to change very quickly, today our company is happy and proud to make its contribution to creating a sustainable future for us and the future generations.

The company has therefore formalised its commitment by also changing its legal form to FLORIM S.P.A. SB. The “SB” identifies the company as a Benefit Corporation.

Florim is the first, and currently the only, ceramics corporation in the world to become a Benefit Corporation.

Code of Conduct

As a company we are part of an ecosystem, well aware of how closely our environmental and social performances are linked to those of our partners. This is why we ask our suppliers to join to the code of conduct, consolidating commercial relationships and with the aim of improving the Value Chain.

Read the code of conduct

Florim quality sistem

For ever more transparent reporting, the company has also listed its guidelines for the management system for quality, environment, safety and energy.

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