Y-40 Swimming Pool | Emanuele Boaretto

  • Designer Emanuele Boaretto
  • Place Montegrotto Terme (PD) - IT
  • Category Wellness
  • Solution Pools
Y-40 Swimming Pool | Emanuele Boaretto

An exceptional example of cutting-edge architecture in complete harmony with the environmental setting, the Y-40 pool (Y like the Y-axis of the Cartesian system, 40 like the number of meters of maximum depth) is currently the most precious jewel of the Hotel Terme Millepini.

Born out of an ambitious project that involved as many local companies as it did important foreign businesses, Y-40 is a choral work. This is why it was called “The deep joy”.

4300 cubic meters of liquids with temperatures ranging from 32 to 34 degrees Celsius, a 21 by 18 meter surface of water, various intermediate depths, four grottos for technical scuba activities, an underwater observation tunnel made of glass, a purification system of 720 cubic meters per hour.
“The only one of its kind, Y-40 offers new medium and long term work prospects – says Emanuele Boaretto with justified pride – And it promises to increase the potential of a territory that is already considered to be excellent.”

In this project they were used


FLORIM - Architectural design

80x80, 30x60


FLORIM - Architectural design


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