Hotel Villa Borghi

  • Designer Sergio Achini
  • Place Varano Borghi (VA) - IT
  • Category Ho.Re.Ca.
Hotel Villa Borghi

The hotel Villa Borghi is an ancient residence of the 18th century in the province of Varese.

At the end of the 19th Century, a careful restoration gave to the structure the elegant Art Nouveau style that still characterises the entire building today.

Surrounded by more than 60,000 m2 of greenery, the hotel has been recently enlarged and a new structure composed of modern rooms has been created.
For the room floors, as well as the spa area and the main entrance, Walks collection by Floor Gres, colour Gray, was chosen to enrich the interior design thanks to its high technical performances.

In this project they were used


FLORIM - Architectural design


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