The Bit Hall presents the the exhibition “Life, the Universe and Everything”

May 10, 2022

CEDIT explores the metaverse and exhibits its ceramic works in an art gallery created in partnership with Elle Décor

Art and design enter the metaverse in the project by Elle Decor in association with CEDIT – Ceramiche d’Italia. The exhibition Life, the Universe and Everything – with the curatorship of the guest editor of the Art section of Maria Chiara Valacchi – opens its doors inside the digital gallery “The Bit Hall“, an exhibition space dedicated to the art of the future and NFTs.

Inside this intangible space, four artworks inspired by CEDIT collections also come to life in a new dimension, New Future ARALDICA, New Future CHIMERA, New Future ARCHEOLOGIE and New Future RILIEVI, also come to life in a new dimension. These works will be exhibited in their own dedicated room at the end of the visitor experience.

An experimental journey projected from the real into the digital university, interweaving different expressive languages.

The proceeds from the sale of each NFT will be donated to charity in favor of the international association Save The Children.

Enter the digital museum



A large ceramic slab with a hypnotic charge releases its expressive power, standing out against a background surrounded by classical architectural features. A design work by polyhedric creative artist Federico Pepe, Araldica is inspired by marbled paper, with a carousel of allusive visual impressions evoked on its surface. In a timeless location populated with references and symbols that lead back to the historic ruins of the classical age, the slab is a projection from the future.



New Future CHIMERA

Immersed in a rural landscape with the ruins of a classical temple in its center, large ceramic surfaces laden with symbolic meaning stand out like large columns. The splendors of the past meet modernity, recounted with flair and imagination by designer Elena Salmistraro on the slabs of the Chimera collection. A journey through time, where the imaginary universe inspired by nature and the chimera of the grotesque tradition becomes a manifestation of the future.



Past archaeology and modern archaeology merge in a timeless space – steeped in classical references – that tells of the discovery of a relic-slab. Created by artist Franco Guerzoni in his painterly style, Archeologie comprises ceramic surfaces that recount the experiences, the memories, the signs and the symbols of what ancient walls have garnered over the centuries. The “stripping” method of fresco painting is evoked in a colored mantle destined to survive into the future and become a memory in its turn.


New Future RILIEVI

Three-dimensional geometric features play on the ceramic surface to create an effect of light and shade that generates an impression of architectural depth. Rilievi is a design invention by Zaven: a “find” from the future standing out in a timeless present steeped in evocations of classicism. Relievi, a “rediscovery”.


Enter the digital museum

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