With Rock No War for the "L’ACQUA È VITA" (Water is Life) project.

November 28, 2023

Florim Gallery hosted a charity event on Tuesday, November 28th, in support of the project “L’ACQUA È VITA” (Water is Life), promoted by Rock No War with the goal of raising awareness among the business community, associations, and individuals for a more compassionate society.

The initiative involves the construction of wells in various parts of the world (Africa, Asia, Latin America, and in the future, it will expand to other crisis areas) where the lack of clean drinking water makes survival difficult, endangering health and life itself.

To date, wells funded by donations from Florim, Kerakoll, and Modula have already been completed or are in the process of being built, totaling 120,000 euros (the indicative cost of a well varies between 7,000 and 10,000 euros depending on the country where it is constructed).

The charity dinner was preceded by a press conference introducing the “L’ACQUA È VITA” project, attended by Giorgio Amadessi (President of Rock No War), Lorena Bianchetti (event’s godmother), Silvia Mezzanotte (artist), and Cesare Bocci (actor and television presenter).

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