
Carbon Neutral Surfaces

We are a B Corp company and our choices are always oriented towards creating more value for people and the environment.

We continue to invest to reduce the emissions generated by our business. Until technological innovation will make it possible for emissions to be finally brought down to zero, we have decided to voluntarily offset the CO2 emissions of CarbonZero collections.

This is the origin of Florim’s Carbon Neutral surfaces project, which offsets all the CO2 emitted during the surfaces life cycle.

How did we do it?

We measure

We have CALCULATED THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT of our surfaces along the product life cycle (*) because we aim to reduce all CO2 emissions, including those that occur outside

We reduce

To contain the emissions from our activity, we have REDUCED THE USE OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND INVESTED in making the production process more sustainable: up to 100% in terms of water, electricity, and raw waste recovery.

We offset

We promote a POSITIVE IMPACT: CarbonZero collections offset (**) all the CO2 emitted during their life cycle, supporting certified projects that produce clean energy in developing countries.

The CarbonZero project combines beauty and design with the positive impact given by CO2 offsetting.

(*) EPD certified data – registration number EPDITALY0462
(**) Offsetting is achieved through the purchase of CER (Certified Emission Reductions) carbon credits on the CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) registry of the UNFCC (United Nations Framework for Climate Change).
For the calculation, a value of 19.05 kg of CO2-eq / m2 with an average density of 21.97 kg/m2 was used – this data was calculated starting from the total GWP value (EPD Florim that considers the entire life cycle of the product) integrating maintenance and cleaning activities assuming a lifespan of 60 years.
Florim commits annually to monitoring, reducing, and offsetting the greenhouse gas emissions of the CarbonZero Collections.

Download the brochure CarbonZero
Download the carbon offsetting certificate


What is CarbonZero?

“CarbonZero” is a project by Florim for Carbon neutral surfaces that offset all the CO2 emitted during their life cycle, supporting certified projects that produce clean energy in developing countries.

Why did Florim create CarbonZero?

Florim wants to protect our planet and help fight climate change. This is why it has been investing for many years to minimise its environmental impact. However, the technologies currently available do not allow the production of ceramics with zero CO2 emissions, which is why the company decided to compensate voluntarily for the emissions it cannot yet avoid.

How does Florim calculate the environmental impact of its surfaces?

Florim studies the entire life cycle of its surfaces, from creation to disposal, to understand how much CO2 is emitted. This study is based on a certified data called EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).

What does certified carbon credit mean?

The carbon credit represents the reduction or removal of one tonne of CO2 equivalent from the atmosphere. Certified carbon credits are a tool used by businesses as part of their climate change mitigation strategies to offset residual greenhouse gas emissions. “Certified” carbon credits (with certification by a third party) are the only ones that result in a real offset of greenhouse gas emissions. Buying carbon credits therefore means supporting regenerative projects for the environment.

How does Florim offset the CO2 emissions of its collections?

Florim buys CER (Certified Emission Reductions) carbon credits from the CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) registry of UNFCC (United Nations Framework for Climate Change). Each carbon credit represents the reduction or removal of one tonne of CO2 from the atmosphere.

Why was it decided to support certified renewable energy projects?

Florim has chosen to support projects that create renewable energy in line with the company strategy that espouses a business paradigm that benefits the planet (Florim is the first B Corp certified ceramic industry). Renewable energies are the solution to accelerate the move away from fossil fuels. Investing in and helping developing countries face the energy transition necessary to achieve climate neutrality is an important choice for Florim to protect our planet before climate change becomes irreversible.

Which specific project has Florim chosen to support?

Florim has chosen to support a Wind Park in India: Enercon Wind Farm (Hindustan) Ltd in Karnataka (CDM Project 1259).

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