Floor Gres

Floor Gres was the Florim Group brand that offered project professionals technical porcelain stoneware surfaces that combined high performance and aesthetic appeal capable of meeting all design requirements.


The evolution into Architectural Design

Before 2022, FLORIM was the “Corporate Brand” and all its products were classified under six subcategories: Floor Gres, Rex, Cerim, Casa dolce casa – Casamood, CEDIT and FLORIM stone.

In February 2022, Florim also became a “product brand”, and the four “pioneer brands” (Floor Gres, Rex, Cerim, Casa dolce casa – Casamood) evolved into four FLORIM expressions of design, each with its own style inherited from its forebears.

Thus the Floor Gres brand evolved into Florim’s expression of Architectural Design.



The Floor Gres brand


Floor Gres was the brand that could meet the different technical and aesthetic requirements of the project thanks to a wide and versatile range of stylistically coordinating products characterized by a specific focus on colors, surfaces, sizes and thicknesses to ensure high eco-friendly performance.

Floor Gres integrated Nature and Architecture through a renewed design concept that promoted a balance between the built and natural environments.


The history of the brand

Floor Gres was founded in the 1960s, offering products with high technological content that have set the pace in the ceramic district’s process of evolution.

Floor Gres entered the market as a company producing extruded clinker (when the industry was still producing red body double-fired tiles) and subsequently turned its attention to the production of white single-fired tiles until it succeeded in manufacturing the first technical porcelain stoneware.

Floor Gres thus took a leadership role in the industry, patenting the “Double Press Loading” technology in the early 1990s and developing the “Vertical Loading” technology, enshrining a decisive breakthrough in the design of technical ceramic products for architectural use.


The Floor Gres brand evolved into Florim’s expression of Architectural Design.


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