Casa dolce casa - Casamood

Casa dolce casa – Casamood has been a Florim brand in constant creative search for dialog between colors and materials inspired by nature, so as to create interiors that convey a pleasant sense of harmony and reflect the taste of those who live in them.


The development into Creative Design

Before 2022, FLORIM was the “Corporate Brand” and all its products were classified under six subcategories: Floor Gres, Rex, Cerim, Casa dolce casa – Casamood, CEDIT and FLORIM stone.

In February 2022, Florim also became a “product brand”, and the four “pioneer brands” (Floor Gres, Rex, Cerim, Casa dolce casa – Casamood) evolved into four FLORIM expressions of design, each with its own style inherited from its forebears.

The Casa dolce casa – Casamood brand has evolved into Florim’s expression of Creative Design.



The Casa dolce casa – Casamood brand

A wide range of porcelain stoneware surfaces, glass mosaics, paints and stuccoes make it possible to create refined, naturally styled ambiences and atmospheres, imprinting personality and emotions onto space, whether in residential and interior architecture, or in medium- and high-traffic commercial settings.

With elegance and attention to detail, the Casa dolce casa – Casamood brand offered a plurality of matchings including for the various collections in the range. This further strengthened the creative design message, resulting in distinctive and harmonious environments in terms of both color and texture.


The history of the brand

The Casa Dolce Casa and Casamood brands joined the Florim Group in 2005, thus completing the offer dedicated to high-end interior decoration. Elegance, harmony, nature and creativity are the identifying traits of these two brands, now united in a single entity that amplifies and enhances their historical product identities and philosophies. Casa Dolce Casa began as a trading company in the early 1990s and in a very few years became a leader in its field. The brand proposed an articulate product philosophy inspired by the harmony of nature’s colors, very high-end, extremely creative and never ostentatious. The product offered total and harmonious customization of one’s home environment, a bona fide way of life, of creating one’s own spaces capable of conveying well-being, warmth, sophistication and informality.

Conversely, Casamood was conceived in the early 2000s, targeted at the interior decorator and proposing a creative customization and all-round interpretation of the interior environment thanks to a palette of materials (porcelain stoneware surfaces, paintings, mosaics and stuccoes) in neutral tones that can be perfectly combined with each other according to the decorator’s taste, reflecting his or her mood, state of mind and disposition.

More than a brand, Casamood is a lifestyle that can stimulate a material dialog within spaces, through harmonious coexistence with one’s own creative ideas.


The Casa dolce casa – Casamood thus evolved into Florim’s expression of Creative Design.


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