The naturalness of Plima granite combines with the versatility of Florim porcelain stoneware.
The inspiration for Florim's Plimatech Architectural Design comes from high up in the Martell Valley of the Alto Adige region.

Modeled on a variety of granite called Plima, this collection combines the innumerable technical and design advantages of porcelain stoneware with the natural look and feel of a highly sought-after stone.

It was in fact a local businessman who discovered it in the1980s when he had a large boulder cut from the banks of the Plima stream, unveiling a glittering blue-grey granite. With its unique characteristics, this South Tyrol pegmatite is distinctive for its rough texture, studded with brilliant crystalline formations and light-dark mottling distributed in a varied manner over the surface.

The aesthetic heterogeneity characteristic of natural stone is captured in the collection through different graphic variants.

The eco-sustainable paint that combines performance and style for an exceptional result.
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