Flagship Store Frankfurt

The Flagship Store in Frankfurt is a place for meeting and dialoguing with architecture professionals in the Central European area.

Located in a street full of prestigious brands’ showrooms (Hanauer Landstr. 175-179, 60314 Frankfurt am Main), the Flagship Store in Frankfurt is housed in a listed building dating back to 1886. The spatial layout maintains the same stylistic identity as the other institutional showrooms: the Florim Gallery in Fiorano Modenese (Modena) and the Flagship Stores in Milan, New York, Moscow and Singapore.

Modern and elegant, the showroom is spread over 700 m² in which the Group’s brand’s best-sellers (Floor Gres, Rex, CEDIT – Ceramiche d’Italia, Casa dolce casa – Casamood, Cerim and FLORIM stone), are presented through design installations that showcase the large slabs’ expressive potential and technical performance (up to 160x320cm in three thicknesses – 6, 12 and 20mm). The lower floor is dedicated to meetings and institutional presentations.

There is a car park reserved for customers next to the Flagship Store, at Hanauer Landstraße Nr. 181.

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Monday – Friday 9:00 – 13:00 / 14:00 – 18:00

It is strongly recommended to make an appointment before the visit to reduce the waiting time.

On Saturday we receive by appointment.


Hanauer Landstr. 175-179
60314 Frankfurt am Main

Tel: +49 (0)69 – 2424 062 00

E-mail: [email protected]

Photo credits: Lothar Rößling

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